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Monday, March 31, 2025

How do you become a Christian singer

How do you become a Christian singer
How do you become a Christian singer with love in your voice (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How do you become a Christian singer? Is singing a god-given talent? Or is it something you can develop through love and practice?

Have you ever noticed that wehn love is present in a persons voice something magical seems to arise? So would this be the same for Christian and Gospel singing too? Singing in the name of the Lord does and can do something in lifting your heart.

People even travel from far afields to listen to godly voices.

Denise Blaz of ReporterNews says that at one Community Church the arival of Sue “Mama Sue” Roseberry had people travelling from far afield for the 2 hour singing service.

Roseberry was joined by other gospel singers.

A powerhouse of spirit, Roseberry said she always enjoys her visits to Abilene to sing.

A Midland native, Roseberry is a West Texas girl at heart. But she perhaps is best known for her stint with the BET’s show “Sunday Best.” Last year, she placed as one of the five finalists on the TV program that seeks the best in gospel singing.

Sitting unassuming in the front row for the beginning of the service, Roseberry stood up after being announced and said she’s not an entertainer but a woman of God. She then asked everyone to clap their hands.

How do you become a Chrsitian singer – Mama Sue on Youtube

“When church starts, I’m not sitting there in the back of a room, waiting and eating crackers,” she said. “I’m not waiting to make an entrance. I’m here, not way in the back.

“I’ve been singing all my life, I’m going to keep on singing until I reach the heavenly choir.”

Danette Allen of Amarillo traveled to Abilene just for the singing.

Allen said it was the first time she had seen Roseberry live in concert and was impressed with her vocal range that has the capability to go through four octaves.

“I’ve never seen Mama Sue sing, but I’m just inspired.”

Mama Sue, definitely has great depths of love in her singing and in her voice, so when it comes to answering the question ‘how do you become a Chrsitian singer‘ is the first step to connect to that love you feel inside and allow it to come through naturally in your singing voice? If Mama Sue is someone to go by, I’d say that is definitely the case no matter what music you choose to sing.


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