Some girls look 15, other do not. 15 year old Dinah Jane Hansen set the place alight with her X Factor USA audition when she sang Beyonce’s ‘If I were a boy’. The judges could not believe she was only 15.
Dinah revealed that lives in a house with more than 20 family members in a 4 bedroom house. Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, L.A. Reid and Simon Cowell were all very impressed.
“You took that thing to places that even Beyonce didn’t take it!”… was on comment LA Reid said. “I predict you’re going to be a finalist.”
“I got the chills a few times..” said Demi Lovato. And Spears said that Hansen had “made my day.”
X Factor audition ‘If I were a boy’ sang by Dinah Jane Hansen
Imagine the practice that Dinah has been doing, and in a house shared with 20 other members. Practice, practice and more practice is the key… and Dinah Hansen’s love of singing and practice just shine through.
I must admit her cover of the Beyonce song did bring a new dynamic to the song. It is great to see parents and family that support their children in their singing and it is obvious her family support her in her passion. I wonder how many singing lessons they got for Dinah.
Living in a house with 20 family members must be a great experience in sharing, and Dinah Jane Hansen definitely shared her talent in this audition.
If you want to practice this Beyonce song you can sing along with the lyrics and lyrics video by clicking here.
How proud her parents and family members must be, imagine how many hugs she will be getting back home.
I look forward to seeing how Hansen develops throughout this competition as she gets access to further singing lessons, support and guidance as a part of the show. What a blessing.
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