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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How do you become a country singer to remember

How do you become a country singer
How do you become a country singer that remembers the national Anthem. Luke Bryan has his own techniques (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everyone has their own particular taste in the music they prefer to sing and if you love good old grass roots country music learning how to become a country singer that people remember could be one of your prioroties.

But he n the question naturally arises as ‘remembered for what’? Some singers are remembered for their ability to touch hearts and others for less than favorable things.

And then you may ask what are the key ingrediants that make up a good to great country singer. Is it your performance, how you deliver your song, your vocal ability, your sincerity, your genuine connection with your audience – or – is it your ability to actually remember the words to the song!

According to Alexandra Luke actually remembering the words to your song does have an impact in one way or another.

Become a country singer that remembers the words to the National Anthem

Country music singer Luke Bryan apologized today for reading the words to the “Star Spangled Banner” off his hand while singing at the Major League Baseball All-Star game.

Bryan received major criticism for writing the words to the song on his hand and was even called “unpatriotic” by some offended by the event.

“Luke Bryan’s version of the national anthem @ the All-Star game last night was an epic fail. He needs to learn respect & remember the lyrics!” one person tweeted.

Now you can’t disagree there. It’s not as though he was singing an unrecognisable song or were there other things going on?

But Bryan was quick to defend himself with a series of tweets.

“I had a few keys words written down to insure myself that I wouldn’t mess up. I just wanted to do my best. I promise it was from the heart,” he wrote.

He later added: “If I offended anyone with my approach I sincerely apologize. Anytime I sing the anthem it is an honor and my heart beats out of my chest.”

Well I guess it’s really interesting to note the effect these things have on an audience. It’s understandable that a performance of a perceived important song can create nerviousness and a level of internal tension.

Some of Luke’s fans came to his defence on this:

“@LukeBryanOnline the national anthem is one of the hardest things to sing, let alone to do it in front of thousands and millions watching,” one fan wrote.

“@LukeBryanOnline Honestly, it says a lot that you made the effort to do that. I don’t doubt your sincerity or devotion to our country,” another fan tweeted.

You can check it out below and see what you think. Form your own opinion.

Bryan is also under fire for checking his watch during the song and again responded with a tweet.

“I did check my watch because I knew the stealth bomber would fly over 2 minutes in and I knew a started a little late,” he wrote.

I guess there is more to take into account in the performance than you may be aware of at first. But would a few performance anxiety techniques of helped too. The mind is a fabulous tool but at the same time if left to run away from you it can be a major distraction. If you get run away with thoughts like, “What if I forget the words?”, “I’m going to get this wrong”, “What if my timing is out and I miss the stealth bomber flyover.”

The mind loves these games. It can be a great trickster at times, especially if you believe it.

Simply connecting woth your feet on the ground, the feel of your body and teh breath going in and out of your nostrils can be all that’s needed to drop all the anxiety and come right into the moment where the real magic happens.

But I guess many famous singers fall foul at times. They are human after all.

So how do you become a country singer to remember, I guess reading the words to the national anthem on the back of your hand whilst performing is one way, and perhaps keeping your mind in check by connecting fully to the present moment with every word is another.

Could you remember the anthem?

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Ot tweet this post if you sympathise that Luke Bryan did his best on the day.

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