When singing is done truly it tells a story, shares emotions and commands emotions. Jillian Jensen‘s X Factor USA audition did just that.
Her emotionally heartbreaking story of being bullied in school and her incredibly emotional performance even left Simon Cowell emotional.
In an interview with OK!magazine Jillian recalled:
“I was first bullied in seventh grade when I did the right thing by reporting a student who had offered me cocaine.”
“Everyone hated me because I was the snitch. I left that school after the year was over but it was torture.”
Jillian Jensen sings Who You Are on her X Factor USA audition and shows the bullies of the past what she is really made of.
“When I left – the kids continued to cyber bully me and it hurt really bad.””That’s when I started self-harming. I used an eraser on my skin. I just wanted to erase myself from everything. I erased my skin until I would bleed.”
“This is so emotional for me to talk about. But I want to let it out in the hope that it helps other people going through the same thing.
Jillian sang Jessie J’s poignant song, Who You Are, which she sang for victims of bullying.
“I always told myself that if I ever made it on TV I would dedicate my performance to those who had been through the same thing. I couldn’t have chosen a better song,” the 19-year-old said.
Jillian has obviously been through a lot, but as the motto goes: Stay Strong. Her performance was a testimony of overcoming the pain inflicted by others. Her very presence on stage was inspiring as well as emotional.
There were not many dry eyes in the house, and to sing with so much genuine emotion instantly told a story and grabbed the hearts and souls of those watching.
Jillian further told OK!magazine:
…that if she hadn’t gone through her horrific experiences she wouldn’t be “the person who I am today” and she no longer feels animosity towards the bullies.
“Now I am at ease, they don’t matter to me anymore. Their voices were constantly in my head and it sucked. But I’ve let go of the hate.”
An inspiring performance and inspiring words and lessons to learn from.
Jillian Jensen’s X Factor USA audition is the start of a great inspiring new chapter, that has already touched the lives of thousands. There is so much power in such truthful vulnerability and honesty.
Darren Grant is a guitarist and researcher in the fields of performance and singing development. He has worked with many celebrities and supported performances to audiences in their thousands across Europe and Malaysia.
hi Jillian i am John, And I went thour the Bullying that you went though, When you singing your song on the X factor , I could not help myself because I was crying right along with you and Demi, Becasue I felt the pain that you went through and I in that same thing that I knew hwo the leader of this group was and went though it for 8 months and i finally gor up the courage to see what i could do to a part of this group and the only that I could join was to give this one girl a hardtime, But i did not give her a hard time but went over and talked with her and told her that if she stayed with me that she would be harmed at all, So from that moment on mr and janice became real close friends and the team that i joined would not harm hermat all as long as she was with me, That really took alot of deep down looking into myself in order for and one else that came into the team would stay with me so that would never have to go through any more bullying as lone as they stayted with me . It really took alot of know how on my part to keep anyone tht wanted to come in the team , that i would always stay on my team and i meantor them and was was able to get them any kind of help that they wanted’ I love you for everything thatnyou have done to get young people to be safe and mor confident
John Hatley
hi Jillian i am John, And I went thour the Bullying that you went though, When you singing your song on the X factor , I could not help myself because I was crying right along with you and Demi, Becasue I felt the pain that you went through and I in that same thing that I knew hwo the leader of this group was and went though it for 8 months and i finally gor up the courage to see what i could do to a part of this group and the only that I could join was to give this one girl a hardtime, But i did not give her a hard time but went over and talked with her and told her that if she stayed with me that she would be harmed at all, So from that moment on mr and janice became real close friends and the team that i joined would not harm hermat all as long as she was with me, That really took alot of deep down looking into myself in order for and one else that came into the team would stay with me so that would never have to go through any more bullying as lone as they stayted with me . It really took alot of know how on my part to keep anyone tht wanted to come in the team , that i would always stay on my team and i meantor them and was was able to get them any kind of help that they wanted’ I love you for everything thatnyou have done to get young people to be safe and mor confident