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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Homeless Robbie Hance on his X Factor UK audition ‘This could change my life’

Homeless singer Robbie Hance blew the judges away with a stunning acoustic performance of the Damien Rice track Coconut Skins.

Just before his performance, he explained: ‘My current status at the moment is I am homeless. I’ve been homeless for about six years, on and off. Two nights out of every fortnight like I’ll stay somewhere like a friend’s house or something, but the rest of the time I’m kicking about on the street. I sleep in doorways, alleyways just trying to keep dry.

X Factor UK audition by Robbie Hance 

He was put into care at the age of 13 as his single mother struggled to cope, the 26-year-old musician admitted he felt like ‘a burden’ on every foster family he became a part of.

x factor robbie hance homeless but talented
X Factor Robbie Hance is homeless but his audition proves he is talented

Before taking to the stage, he told the judges: ‘I have always sung, I don’t think there is anything else in my life that I do with such passion. This competition is obviously a big thing, it could add the element of security, it could change my life, definitely.’

It’s a tragedy to see how life sometimes deals it’s cards. But it is also inspiring to see how Robbie aplies himself heart and soul into singing and practicing his music, his regular practice and love of music shines through when he sings and performs. It is a gift to share.

However since the audition unfortunately, Robbie has since gone AWOL and producers are desperately trying to hunt him down.

According to The Sunday Mirror, the hopeful has suddenly become incommunicado, sparking concerns over his whereabouts.

‘He’s a fantastic artist and blew everyone away at auditions,’ a show insider told the paper. ‘He doesn’t have a phone and the only point of contact was through a friend. Producers last spoke to him on Monday but they can no longer reach his friend and have no idea where he is. It’s a real worry.’

‘If he doesn’t get in touch by the end of next week, then he’d have to kiss goodbye to any part in the show, which would be a tragedy.’

Lets hope he gets in touch and we see him again. This could be a major turn around and opportunity. Robbie Hance’s X Factor UK audition really could change his life.

Get in touch Robbie we want to see more of you.

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