The UK X Factor has shown some promise but Carly Rose Sonenclar‘s X Factor USA audition blows everything out of the water.
The petite 13-year-old stunned the judges and audience with her mature-beyond-her-years take on Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good.”
The sultry rendition earned Sonenclar the very first standing ovation from all four judges this season.
X Factor USA audition with Carly Rose Sonenclar singing Feeling Good
A star is born. Watch the audition below:
What a performance. Britney Spears says:
“Miss thang, you are a little diva! You were unbelievable. You can see all of us are completely in love with you.”
LA Reid says:
“…may be 13, but your soul is old,” and Demi Lovato said she was ready to buy the teen’s music “right now.”
Simon Cowell found himself in utter disbelief.
“That’s not you singing,” he told Sonenclar. “Somebody is behind you singing that song.”
He went on to add, “A star has just walked out on that stage. ”
Carly obviously has practiced, practiced and practiced some more. She has obviously had singing lessons and practiced breathing exercises and must do them daily.
A performance like that is one that arises from a lot of work and practice. Carly Rose is an inspiration of what dedication is all about and shows how to become a famous singer at age 13.
She has been involved with musical theatre for over 6 years and according to her parents has been singing since she was aged 2, when she started imitating singers on American Idol.
At the age of 13 she is amazing and a big thanks needs to go to her parents for supporting her from a young age in allowing her to pursue her interests and developing her performing talents.
This X Factor USA audition is a lesson in itself. How to perform. How to use your voice. And how several years of dedicated practice can absolutely wow a live audience of almost 5,000 and an international audience of millions.
Simon’s comment about ‘a star is born’ is evident for us all to see. Way to go Carly Rose Sonenclar and big hugs and love to your amazing parents too.
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