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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Learn to sing to heal faster – even wake from a coma

Learn to sing to heal faster (Picture Credit: Ava LoweryFromFlickr)
Learn to sing to heal faster (Picture Credit: Ava LoweryFromFlickr)

I’ve met many people that profess that singing has a healing effect on the body, mind and spirit but the question how can I learn to sing to heal faster seems a bit far fetched and out-there.

Well at first you might think that was the case, until you hear the story of 7-year-old Charlotte Neve with her brain hemorrhage.
Christine Roberts of the NY Daily news had this story to share:

A 7-year-old girl left in a week-long coma after suffering an “extremely rare” brain hemorrhage woke up when her mother began singing an Adele song.

Charlotte Neve was fighting for her life after two operations to stop the bleeding in her brain until her mother, Leila, started singing the British pop star’s hit “Rolling in the Deep,” according to The Telegraph.

“I climbed into her hospital bed to give her a cuddle — she was wired up to machines and unresponsive — and Adele came on the radio,” the British girl’s mother told the newspaper.

Leila started singing the tune the pair used to sing together and Charlotte began to smile.

“The nurses said it was like I ‘unlocked her,’ and from that day she started getting better and better,” Leila said.

It humbles me to think what an impact songs and singing have on peoples lives, even that of your very own children.

Charlotte began speaking and getting up from her bed within just two days. Two months later, she started learning how to walk and talk.

She is now back in school and taking dance classes.

English: Adele
Learn to sing to heal faster with the help of a few Adele songs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

And all this from the natural sharing of singing, and in this case the beautiful music and songs of Adele delivered by a loving mother.

You never know what could arise next within your or your families lives. And to highlight that here’s a backdrop of what happened with Charlotte.

Learn to sing to heal faster

Charlotte was hospitalized after suffering a brain hemorrhage the night of April 13.

“Charlotte was asleep in my bed,” Neve said. I could tell something was wrong because she wasn’t breathing properly. I turned her over and she was cold and floppy.”

When they arrived at the hospital, doctors found a 12mm aneurism on the main artery in the back of Charlotte’s brain.

The little girl suffered a series of strokes two days after the hemorrhage, prompting doctors at Leeds Hospital to tell Leila that she should prepare to say goodbye.

So just imagine this is the situation you’re in, and then to move from this to the wonders of now having your daughter not just up and about but actually taking and attending dance classes – wouldn’t you call this nothing short of a miracle.

So don’t take it for granted that voice of yours or any others desire to sing. Don’t think that your singing voice isn’t something to be shared. Just think of Charlotte, you never know how important the sharing of your singing with those around you could turn out to be, even in the middle of the most challenging of times.

So discovering how can I learn to sing to heal faster isn’t any fancy technique or a mystical practice for an elite few. It’s actually a god given right each one of us have the choice to use and exercise. There’s nothing more natural than sharing a song with your family and loved ones.

Is it about time that a few more us gave ourselves the permission to let our voices be heard?


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