Ella is only 16 but wow what a performance, what a voice, what breath control. How often she must practice, practice, practice to deliver such a natural effortless performance.
Even Cher herself had praise of the performance as the DailyMail reports:
And now Ella Henderson has caught the eye of legendary singer Cher, after she heard the 16-year-old perform her own unique take on Cher’s hit track Believe.
Grammy winner Cher took to Twitter on Monday to express her delight at the cover, which aired on Sunday night’s bootcamp show.
Cher tweeted: ‘work Done …Went on Utube 2 c young girl sing Believe! Tears came 2 my eyes! So Touching! a Great version of a Great Song. WE Can Share It !’
Ella has been obviously touched by this accolade:
‘I’m still pinching myself! To have the actual Cher tweet that she’d seen my performance was mind-blowing.
‘I’ve been smiling all day. It is quite frankly unbelievable! I can’t believe she cried.’
Former Pussycat Doll and new panel member Nicole Scherzinger couldn’t hold back the tears as she watched the performance.
And after Ella had left the stage Nicole gushed about the teenager to the other judges as she tried to stop crying.
Nicole said: ‘You can’t judge that you just have to be honoured.’
She added: ‘We can’t touch her, we just have to be in awe of her. I’m done.’
Ella admits that at the time she was unaware of just how much she had moved the judge, she said: ‘I had no idea I made her cry. I was lost in my performance and totally unaware of my surroundings.
Sounds like Ella gave 110% and it showed. How many times do you give yourself to singing or anything for that matter so fully with heart and soul so that you are unaware of everything else around you?
Is that one of the keys to delivering such a breath taking performance?
Ella, who is one of the youngest on the show this year, already has a very distinctive style.
Speaking about her look, she shared: ‘I’m like any 16-year-old girl. I have days where I don’t like looking in the mirror.
‘I’m very into 1950s glamour. I’m all about winged eyeliner and beehives.’
As she gears up for the all important live shows, which begin this weekend, Ella expressed her gratitude for the support she has received so far: ‘I just want to say a big thank you.
‘All the online supporters have really boosted my confidence and have inspired me to be the best musician I can be.’
It really is incredible that such a talented young lady can touch so many hearts. Now that Ella is now onto the Judges Houses stages, with Tulisa – I wonder what further performances this growing star will deliver.
Ella Henderson’s X Factor performance has got that magic factor for showing how to become a famous singer aged 16.
Tanya is noted in the singing world for being a charming and gifted stage creature with a bright, lyrical voice and superb acting ability. She was born in Sutton Coldfield, UK, and began her vocal studies back in 1992. Her love of singing has found her rubbing shoulders with some big names as well as taking part in community projects. She's known for insisting that "there is a song within the heart of everyone if only they are guided in learning how to share it."
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